I was asked by a very wonderful client of ours to come help her do a quick update in her family room. The house was very traditional before, but she got a an idea to go alittle bit more contemporary but not over the top. When I came into the project she had purchased the two taupe recliners, ghost table and chair… but now what. The goal was to pull the room together and create a more modern space without lossing the traditional feel from the rest of the house.
First, I suggest she paint the walls Smoked Trout. I felt the gold was just not working with her new chairs. Next suggestion was to make the fireplace a shade darker on the bottom to bring out some interest. I kept the lovely white statue and cleaned up the mantel by using one fluid piece in the center. To keep a traditional flare, I added a large glass vase with metal accents.
The other side of the room:


They had this built in desk area that just wasn’t working at all. I choose to paint it to look like a piece of furniture in the space instead of a built in. We used Modern Masters Black Pearl for the desk and outside of the bookcase. And we used Steel Gray for the back wall. It turned out stunning and only used 2 quarts of paint! I quickly updated the accessories and hardware and viola a new look.